
Eiza González comparte terrible momento que vivió su perrito

La actriz abrió su corazón para contar la trágica historia

Eiza González nos compartió uno de los momentos más tristes de su vida y desgraciadamente, tiene que ver con su perrito. A través de su Instagram, la actriz mexicana compartió el sufrimiento que vivió junto a su mascota “Pasita”.

En la foto que compartió podemos ver a una perrita sin un ojo, casi recién operada. “Pasita” perdió un ojo a pesar de una intensa lucha de Eiza González por mantenerla saludable.

Im usually very private but as some of you know. My dog is absolutely everything to me. Today it’s been such a hard day for me. I saw my baby girl who I rescued 14 yrs ago and shared my life with lose her eye over a sad degenerative desease. After taking her to thousands of vets and no one figuring out what she had by the time someone finally figured it out, it was too late. It’s been so hard for me to look at her and accept the fact of life and aging. There’s nothing I can do more than love her with all my heart while I drown my tears so she can feel strong. I love Pasita with all my heart like if she was my child. ( pet owners will understand.) I know she’s so loved by my friends and family and I wanted to thank everyone who’s been supporting us throughout this absolutely brutal process. I hold on to the fact that she’s feeling better and is in less pain. Also so grateful because it could be so much worst. She’ll be the cutest pirate dog out there?? #unconditionallove Please keep her in your thoughts throughout this recovery! We are staying very optimistic because she’s always been beautiful inside out, she’s the sweetest girl!!! And that’s all that matters! Healthy and happy❤️

Una publicación compartida por Eiza (@eizagonzalez) el

Los fans de Eiza González no dudaron en mandarle mensajes de apoyo y amor. También recalcaron el gran corazón que tiene la actriz.


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